
Monday, 29 March 2010


Hello blogosphere, I know it's been too long and I hope you can forgive me for that! But here I am on this actually-quite-horrible-outside Monday with a sparkily new layout and I have posts planned and ready to go. So, on with it!

A few friends and I were talking the other day randomly over a meal and a hot chocolate (it might be spring, but hey it's still cold). We often make fun of one of my friends for being hot-headed and for play-fighting when there is no real need for violence. In a reaction to that, my other friend brought up the 88 truths about life.

I personally hadn't heard of these 88 truths about life but I went home and decided to look it up. I found it Here. I read the list and understood that he was talkng with reference to my friend about number 21:

21. Anger reveals weakness of character, violence even moreso.

Whether you choose to believe that is one thing or another, I don't believe it's a weakness, it's just a way of dealing with things that is different from others. But anyway, as I read down the list, I found myself nodding in agreement with most of them until I reached number 30:

30. The most common addiction in the world is the draw of comfort. It wrecks dreams and breaks people.

This one kind of shocked me until I sat down and thought it over. Comfort is a common addiction. Some people dream big and then never get to achieve their dreams because they feel that home is a better place for them to be. Of course it is, because it's what you are used to, it's comfortable enough for you. I myself, am guilty of this addiction, I prefer being somewhere I feel comfortable and I hate new situations because they make me uncomfortable, and they shouldn't. It's just because I'm so used to and comfortable with what I have accepted as my life for the meantime.

But it's this addiction to comfort that will hold us back and probably has already held us back from things in our lives and that scares me. Because I'm a big dreamer, I want to get out of this country and live elsewhere and explore and achieve things that I have dreamt of and if I get too comfortable here with my life now, will I be able to break my addiction and push myself to the limit?

So yeah. There's a thought for you. And you should read the 88 truths and let me know your opinions on them and most especially this one. The more you comment, the more likely I am to keep blogging :P.

So, don't get too comfortable, but stay safe and have a good Easter!


Danielle said...

My favourite:

You never have to deal with more than one moment at a time.

:) nice to finally see an update... says me who hasn't updated since the start of February or something haha. xx

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