
Monday, 31 May 2010

I am trying to be truthful.

I know this blog goes through more design changes than actual blog posts. But this time I'm finally happy with how it looks. It's a bit of return to form for me, the blog looks similar to my first one, Sami and the City, the colour scheme is almost identical but the banner is different. I like my crayon-banner. It's cute.

So now that the blog has returned to form, the posts hopefully will too. You see, for a long time, I've gone through blog after blog, trying to fit myself back into the blogosphere, in a comfortable position. But I realised, there was nothing wrong with the way I was before, it was just that the people reading it at the time had problems with my posts, which is understandable but we've gone past that now and resolved our issues, well some of us anyway.

And so, I'm not letting it stop me anymore. I enjoyed writing in my sex-and-the-city inspired way and since the second SATC movie has just been released and it's amazingly awesome, I feel that It's time for me too, to return to form. So from here on, I'm in for the long haul. It might be emotional and problematic as life always is, but you'll just have to bare with me.

I also must admit, since it's now summer, I'm more likely to whinge about how life is boringly shit, because I've nothing to do. When in reality, I'm sure there are at least 21 (see what I did there!) things I should/could be doing. Well, I think I've compeleted 6, the update post said 5, but since then I got another tattoo, so that totals me at 6. Yay me. I've also now read 13 books and I'm still going. My friend got me started on a series of 15, so that'll be fun haha.

So yes, return to form, long haul, 21 things to do between now and September. Whinging, emotional, problematic. Isn't blogging supposed to be a place for you to put your feelings and ideas and thoughts and opinions? Yes, it really is. So if you don't like it, then don't read it. Hit the X in the corner. I'm fed up having to bite my tongue on this page, it's my page, my thing, I am writer and I'll be damned if I don't write. This blog is a start for that. If I am honest with myself, I can be honest with you guys and thus, the world is a better place.

So, to start us off on the right track. Tell me one honest fact about yourself that I don't already know and it must be something worth telling, not like your name or age or where you live. Something I'd want to know, something intriguing and interesting. Make me want to get to know you better.

Here's mine:

I have lots of notebooks I never write in because I think they're too pretty to ruin. I also have shoes I buy but have never worn just because they're too pretty not to buy and I haven't had an opporunity to wear them.

That's probably not interesting at all but I really can't think of anything. So if you have a dire need-to-know something then just ask me, I am afterall, trying to be truthful.


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