
Friday, 11 June 2010

Love Cats, Hate Insomnia

So you think any normal 20 year old during her summer, would you know have a job, work some days and then go out on her nights off and stumble home drunk at 2am and crawl into bed and sleep it off before working again and the routine goes on and on.

Well, I am not a normal 20 year old. I don't have a job, though I am trying my hardest to get myself one and since I dont really have the money to go out night after night, I spend my nights lying awake til 4am because I cant sleep due to some darn reason or another.

Then when I finally get to sleep, I have weird dreams. So late last night, I was tryna sleep and my cat Twix decided to amuse me so I decided to compile a list of reasons a) why i love cats and b) why I hate Insomnia. So here we go.

Why I Love Cats

1. Because they are soft and cuddly and cute.
2. Because they are highly amusing when you are eating crisps and they paw at it and knock it out of your hand.
3. Then when they eat the crisp they proceed to lick their lips 100 times over because of the flavour.
4. In your attempt to try and sleep, you get yourself a glass of milk, your cat then tries to drink it at the same time as you and fails. So then decides she'll dip her paw in and drink it that way. Then when you finish your glass, she dips her paws in and basically washes the dish clean.
5. When they nudge your nose with their nose, it's like a wee cat-kiss.
6. They always know when you feel sad and will come and cuddle you.
7. When they do that funny meow when they are sitting on the windowledge and they see birds they want to catch.
8. When they are so attached to you that they follow you about the house as you go to make tea, or use the bathroom and back again.
9. When you scratch behind their ears and their back leg goes as if they are scratching it themselves.
10. When you are lifting them to put them outside and they clung on to you for dear life like "nooo don't put me outside!".

Why I Hate Insomnia.

1. Because lying awake at night when everyone else is asleep is highly boring.
2. Since you dont get to sleep until some ungodly hour, you sleep until some late hour of the day and then it's too late to be bothered to do anything.
3. It royally fucks up your eating pattern too.
4. Because there are only so many times you can play farmville, petville, read facebook or listen to your ipod before you go insane.
5. Because everyone thinks you're lazy because you sleep all day, but really it's because you can't sleep at night!
6. Unless you know other insomniacs, you have no one to talk to so you just lie in bed, awake, thinking of all the things you dont want to think about.
7. When your friends try to contact you at like 9am to go into town but your like "I just got to sleep dont disturb me!!!!" and then they're all like "Jesus, whats up your arse?" haha.
8. Because its just generally shit.
9. Because when you do eventually get to sleep, you have the weirdest dreams that don't make sense and wake up confused.
10. Because when someone asks what you've been up to all day and you say "Sleepin lolz" they're like "You're so lazy, get yourself a life!!". I have oneee, it just involves being awake at ungodly hours of the night, maybe you should try it sometime!

So there you go. 10 reasons why I love cats and hate insomnia, because I've nothing better to blog about right now. Sigh.

p.s. Since I was talking about cats, thought I'd give a shout-out to this lovely tumblr blog: Cute Boys With Cats.


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