
Monday, 9 August 2010

The Devil of Desire

I had a productive day today which is suprising since I expected to fall into my be-lazy routine since the summer scheme ended. I did sleep until like 1pm because my brain wouldn't quiet down til 3am last night. But I got up, had some tea and digestive biscuits (two buttered together) and then I recieved a phonecall with some good news (to be explained at a further date).

The phonecall put me in such a good mood, so I got into the shower and got ready and tidied up my room (which apparantley is shocking news). I also managed to make arrangements to see some friends and I even sorted out student finance for the upcoming uni year (i did have it half done but needed another ref number which I couldnt find). I also got to speak to my friend Becca whose wedding Im going to be in 4 weeks and 4ish days (shes counting..) lol.

I also downloaded ellie goulding's album, I have liked all her releases so far and thought it'd be worth a listen while I tidied up. I quite like it so I think Ill keep my eye on her releases and stuff for a while :).

So though it hasnt been a very exciting day, it has been productive for me. How was your day?

Also, I took a quiz late last night which was called "What is your demon name?" - I know it's a bit gay but that's what boredem does to you. My demon name is T'an-mo which is the name of The Devil of Desire. Bloody typical me I think most of you would agree :P.

Until tomorrow!

Italian phrase of the day = Io non sonno l'uomo. Io sonno donna. = I am not a man. I am a woman.


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