
Thursday, 19 August 2010

Seven Things I Think About A Lot.

1. Money. I neeed money to survive.

2. Job. I need a job to get money to survive.

3. Uni. I can't wait to get back there and Im wondering what modules to choose. And Im hoping I graduate with my desired grade.

4. Food. I bes hungry, where's my dinner?! :P

5. General worries such as I need a haircut, I wonder who will hire me, Will I be able to afford things?

6. Stress. Im one of those people who stress about every little thing for no reason.

7. Health. Why is that body part painful? Why do I feel sick etc.

Until tomorrow,

Italian phrase of the day = Mia Figlia = My daughter


Senseless addiction said...

Well thats the boring ones over wif now for the more exciting ones. Can't wait for 2moro gonna b interestin me thinks lol

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