I don't know if you've enjoyed reading this, but there have been comments here and there and from the Statistics I presume that you have but you're too lazy to comment. Regardless of your laziness I just want to thank you for even taking the time to read my blog and the inane ramblings I put out from day to day, it does mean something to me that people take the time to read it, so thanks and I hope that you will continue to follow me throughout the next while as more future husband letters are due and September is sure to be more exciting and I'll be around in November during NaNoWriMo.
This month you've learnt 10 rules for being human, amusing things about cats, things I have done and regret doing, you've learnt about books I enjoy reading and read a short story I wrote (Which has now become a fully fledged novel in my head, writing to be done when my laptop charger arrives as my research is on there). You've read a future husband letter and learnt about the statistics that you make up. And you also received a post that probably didn't make sense to any of you, but was more for my own benefit of getting how I felt out there. You've heard about my hardships of trying to find a job and clicked on links when I was too lazy myself to write blogs.
So in reflection, it hasn't been a bad month, just not very exciting. Tomorrow is September 1st, I have plans to enroll for my 3rd year of Uni and to see a friend who has been on holiday. Following that my temporary employment on 6th September as a tour guide will take place and then I fly out to England for my lovely friend Becca's Wedding and back again on the 12th where I have a family dinner for my birthday. The weekend after that I have my birthday party with friends to attend and then University starts. So it seems that I should have BEDS (Blogged Everyday September) instead as September holds way more plans than August ever did.
But, well it's a bit late now, August is done and over with and this is my last post for a while. So I'm going to leave you with a quote that has been relevant to this past month and will continue to be in the future so take heed and I hope to see you in September! Here's the quote:
"Everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday."