
Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Eight Ways To Win My Heart

1. Wear a Suit. Men in suits are sexy.

2. Have respect for yourself. Then for me and the people in my life that you will meet.

3. Have some sort of intelligence. Be smart and have a niche that you can talk/teach me about.

4. Be able to laugh at yourself and take a joke. I hate arrogance.

5. Be able to go off with your friends and let me go off with mine. Clingyness can be annoying.

6. Like animals. Most especially cats. Because you'll find where I am, there'll be a cat.

7. Buy me something nice. It doesnt have to be a big thing. Take me out for a day and buy me a cupcake. It'll be sweet that you thought of it.

8. Be able to sit down and watch girly movies or tv programmes with me without moaning about how its "so gay" or "shite" or "really girly". I'll watch your manly movies with you too. So Deal!

Until tomorrow,

Italian phrase of the day = FAIL.


Senseless addiction said...

Now hold on here Iv watched many a girly film wif u ppl and u refuse to watch any of the gud movies. For the love of god u hid during 1 movie and the 1 of the others u ditched us and went on ur own 2 another!! Tch tch lying on ur own blog honestly sami!

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