
Monday, 2 August 2010

I almost forgot.

I almost forgot that I was doing BEDA hence this quite late night post. I dont really know what to say today as I almost-forgot and didn't manage to plan ahead. Oh life.

So I was just on the Etsy website and it popped "This website has detected that you are in Italy. Would you like to view all prices in Euros?" Um...if only I was in Italy, man. Ohhhh that's just reminded me about my 21 list and how one of those things is to learn a new language. I've always wanted to visit Italy and learn Italian, I dont know what really sparked my interest but it just appealed to me and since I have yet to complete or even start this, I have decided (
literally just now) that I will learn Italian alongside BEDA this month and at the end of every post I will state what I have learnt that day. Except since it's now near 10pm and I have no idea where or how I'm going to learn Italian, I'm going to leave you with an Italian phrase I know and enjoy:

"La Bella Vita" it means "A Beautiful Life". I think I'd like that tattooed on me one day.

Now I'm off to hopefully find a website to teach me Italian. Anyone know of any or can teach me?!

Until Tomorrow (which I promise will be better than this!)


Anonymous said...

I use this site for French and I really like it! There's plenty of languages including Italian. :)

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