
Friday, 13 August 2010

Sunshine and Shooting Stars

I'm guessing many of you went out last night to watch the Persids meteors and shooting stars. I didn't get a chance last night but they are still going so we're going out tonight to see them, so woot for that. I remember watching them this time last year with some friends n family, it was cool :). Make a wish!

Today was a good day as I travelled down to my beloved countryside for a job interview, which was the good news I recieved the other day. Nothing came of the interview I had last week but awk well, I'm hoping this one produces better results. Travelling takes a lot out of you sometimes but after about 2 years of doing so I think Im pretty much used to it.

So apart from enjoying the sunshine today, travelling, having a job interview and then lounging about this evening, Im going star hunting tonight. So I dont really have much to blog about but today I have a question for you readers, so please answer, it's important ;).

If you could choose to be an angel or a demon, what would you be? And what powers would you wield? Do you have a angel/name you'd like to be called?

Use your imaginations people,
Until tomorrow,

Italian phrase of the day= Ciao, Bella! = Hi, beautiful!


Senseless addiction said...

Jesus. I am the essence of everything and of nothing. I control that which is, that which was and that which will be. Some believe others deny but there is no escaping what will be.

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